
Research group on economics at University of Murcia


Dr. Javier Cifuentes-Faura

Researcher in University of Murcia

Javier Cifuentes-Faura works in the Department of Financial Economics and Accounting at the University of Murcia (Spain). His lines of research include those related to public administration and economics, transparency, government, sustainability and green economics. He has published in more than 100 JCR impact journals, such as Public Performance & Management Review, Renewable Energy, Resources Policy, Local Government Studies, Economic Analysis and Policy or Journal of Policy Modeling. He is associate editor of several SSCI journals. He has participated in several international conferences, being invited to some of them as keynote speaker. He has been included in the prestigious Stanford University rankings as one of the 2% most influential researchers in the world in 2022.

Workshop Committee Members

Call for Papers


This workshop is aimed at any student, researchers and people interested in public administration, governance and accountability, although we will focus on students in their last academic years and will discuss the latest economic developments and their impact. The aim is to exchange experiences among participants and ideas, and to share achievements. It is also expected to be able to offer solutions, recommendations and discuss useful policies to achieve transparency in governance through open data and portals. Specific themes to be addressed include:

  • Transparency
  • Open Data
  • Portals
  • Governance


The public's desire for more knowledge and influence over government operations has led to an increase in demand for transparency in the public sector in recent years. This need translates into a need for increased responsibility from the government to make sure that representatives are receptive to the concerns and difficulties of the people. A fundamental component of democratic political systems is accountability, which includes both the institutions that regulate public officials' conduct and the processes that guarantee their response. Government information transparency gives the public a greater understanding of and control over the acts of politicians. Information that is published and shared widely aids in the management of political representatives' actions and choices. Increased transparency lowers information asymmetry and boosts public confidence in politicians. Open data portals are becoming essential resources for promoting openness and enabling citizen involvement in public processes, tracking government initiatives, assessing the veracity of spending claims, and obtaining information to aid in decision-making. However, making data available does not automatically guarantee greater transparency.


This study, which focuses on Mexico, adds to the body of knowledge on these topics by offering a thorough analysis of the dynamics of governance and transparency within a particular setting. The geographic and socioeconomic diversity of Mexico, as well as the variations in its states' states' levels of development and government administration, make it a target for researchers looking to identify factors and best practices that may be applicable to other nations looking to implement or enhance their transparency laws.

Web portals were put in place to share information and provide public access to it. In order to assess transparency, highlight the deficiencies of the state web portals, and motivate them to make improvements in the following years, an annual ranking of state transparency portals of websites was also created. This evaluation explores the differences in openness between Mexican state websites. To determine the political and economic aspects influencing transparency levels for each of the 32 Mexican states, panel data analysis approaches are utilized. These variables include the state debt, population density, unemployment rate, and the ideology of the governing political party.

Data from the well-established Ranking of State Transparency Portals is utilized in the analysis. This score provides a thorough evaluation of the openness and usability of information on state government websites. It evaluates the timeliness, comprehensiveness, and usability of the information provided using a set of indicators.


Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full papers that include title, abstract, introduction, tables, figures, conclusion and references. It is unnecessary to submit an abstract in advance. Please submit your papers in English.

Each paper should be no less than 4 pages. One regular registration can cover a paper of 6 pages, and additional pages will be charged. Please format your paper well according to the conference template before submission. Paper Template Download

Please prepare your paper in both .doc/.docx and .pdf format and submit your full paper by email with both formats attached directly to

Important Dates:

Submission & Payment

Type Regular Submission
Paper Submission January 3rd, 2025
Review Process 2 weeks
Revise & Acceptance 2 weeks
Registration & Payment 2 weeks


Items Amount (VAT Included)
Registration and Publishing Fee (6 pages included) $450
Additional Page $40/extra page


Workshop Proceedings:

Accepted papers will be published in Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences (AEMPS) (Print ISSN: 2754-1169) and will be submitted to Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), Crossref, CNKI, Portico, Google Scholar, and other databases for indexing. The situation may be affected by factors among databases like processing time, workflow, policy, etc.

Title: Advances in Economics Management and Political Sciences (AEMPS)

Press: EWA Publishing, United Kingdom

ISSN: 2754-1169 2754-1177 (electronic)

* The papers will be exported to production and publication on a regular basis. Early-registered papers are expected to be published online earlier.

Workshop Info:

Workshop Title:

Transparency and Open Data in Government: Analysing the Case of State Transparency Portals in Mexico


January 10th, 2025 (UTC +1)


C. Campus Universitario, 11, 30100 Murcia, Spain

How to Participate:


The workshop provides an opportunity for poster exhibition. Authors who are interested in presenting a poster, please submit your materials (prefer in .pdf) to before January 3rd, 2025.

Detailed information on your presentation date and time will be confirmed closer to the workshop. If you have any questions about your presentation or the workshop, please email .

Poster Presentation Guidelines

  1. Poster presentations must be prepared using the template provided:
  2. *Poster layout template for poster presentation (download)
  3. *Poster layout background (download)
  4. Posters should generally be in A1 size (width: 594mm x height: 841mm) and include the followings:
  5. Title, author and co-author names, and the affiliation(s) information.
  6. Body parts, including "Abstract", "Introduction", "Methods", "Results", "Discussion" and "Conclusions".
  7. Presenters are suggested to set the font size properly and avoid placing anything at the margin part of the poster as it will be difficult to view.
  8. Posters should be well illustrated. All the pictures used should be high quality and with high resolution.

(You can refer to the instructions for more detailed information. Additional presentation guidelines may be announced by workshop committees.)

Attend in person

If you want to attend the workshop on-site, please email The workshop seats are limited. Both contributors and non-contributors who wish to participate in the workshop in person need to apply to the workshop organizers.


In order to ensure the information is correct and up to date, there may be changes which we are not aware of. And different countries have different rules for the visa application. It is always a good idea to check the latest regulations in your country. This page just gives some general information of the visa application.

Types of Visas for Spain

According to the length of your stay in Spain, there are two main Spanish visa types:

  • Spain Schengen visas. The Spain Schengen Visa is a short-term visa for Spain that gives the right to its visa holder to enter Spain, and remain there for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. If you travelling to Spain for purposes foreseen by the Schengen visa and you are a national of the 62 countries under the Schengen visa regime, you do not need to apply for a Spain Schengen visa. Note that if you have previously been rejected from entering the Schengen territory visa-free, despite being a national of one of these countries, you will need to obtain a Schengen visa in order to be eligible to enter to Spain.
  • Spain long-stay visas. For staying in Spain for a period of longer than three months. Depending on the long-stay visa type you apply for, you may also be authorized to work in Spain. Only the nationals of the following are exempt from applying for these visas:
  • European Union member countries.
  • Norway
  • Iceland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Switzerland

How to Apply for a Spain Visa?

To apply for a Spain visa, follow the steps given below:

  1. Fill in the right visa application form.
  2. Collect the required documents.
  3. Make a visa appointment.
  4. Attend the visa interview and submit your biometrics.
  5. Pay the visa fee.

After you complete all these steps, you shall wait for the processing of your visa. You will receive an answer to your application, as soon as the processing is completed.

When is the Best Time to Apply for a Spanish Visa?

As Spain is a member country of the Schengen area, it applies the Schengen visa rules to travelers seeking to enter its territory. Thus, when applying for a Spain visa, make sure you submit your application within the given time frame:

  • The earliest: Six months before the date of your planned departure to Spain.
  • The latest: Two weeks before the intended date of travel to Spain:
  • Recommended: at least three weeks prior to your trip, so you can avoid any possible delay by the embassy.

Where Can I Apply for a Spain Visa?

Spain has a very strict system of visa submission and processing. As a result, visa submission is regulated by Spain in every world country. Thus, depending on the country you live in, you may have to submit your visa application at the:

  • Spanish consulate.
  • A Visa application center like TLS Contact, VFS Global or BLS International, to which Spain has outsourced visa submission in your country of residence.


Should your application be denied, the organizing committee cannot change the decision of visa officer, nor will COMF-BPS engage in discussion or correspondence with the visa application center on behalf of the applicant. The registration fee CANNOT be refunded when the VISA application of individual being denied.